Together We Can

Make a better place for every Tigraweyti.


Hiwyet Women’s Foundation is a dedicated charitable organization that aims to provide comprehensive support, rehabilitation, and empowerment programs for women who are survivors of war crimes and sexual violence in the Tigray region.

 Our mission is to restore the dignity, well-being, and agency of these women, ensuring they have access to the necessary resources, skills, and opportunities to rebuild their lives and actively contribute to their communities’ growth.

  • Holistic Healing
  • Comprehensive Medical Care
  • Skills Training
  • Community Reintegration

Help Our Women

Hiwyet Women’s Foundation is a beacon of hope, offering survivors the tools they need to rebuild their lives, reclaim their agency, and shape a brighter future. Together, we can create lasting change in the lives of these brave women and work towards a world free from violence and injustice.


Holistic Healing

We recognize the deep emotional, psychological, and physical wounds that survivors of war crimes and sexual violence endure. Our primary objective is to establish safe and nurturing spaces where these women can undergo trauma-informed counseling and therapy. By addressing their emotional scars, we empower them to embark on the journey of healing and recovery.

Legal advocacy

Many survivors face significant barriers in seeking justice for the atrocities they’ve endured. Our foundation is committed

to providing legal guidance, support, and representation. We’ll work alongside legal experts to ensure survivors’ rights are protected, and their voices are heard during legal proceedings.

Comprehensive Medical Care

Physical well-being is crucial to rebuilding lives. We will collaborate with medical professionals to offer survivors access to thorough medical examinations, necessary treatments, and ongoing healthcare support. Our aim is to address immediate health needs and provide long-term health resources.

Skills Training

We believe that empowering survivors economically is essential. Through vocational training and skill development programs, we will equip them with practical skills that improve their employability and enable them to establish sustainable livelihoods, fostering independence and self-sufficiency.

Community Reintegration

Stigmatization often isolates survivors from their communities. We’ll collaborate with local communities to raise awareness about survivors’ experiences, foster understanding, and facilitate their reintegration. This approach aims to eliminate discrimination and promote social acceptance


Addressing complex issues requires collective effort. We will actively seek partnerships with local and international organizations, governments, NGOs, and individuals who share our commitment to supporting survivors. These partnerships amplify our impact and extend our reach.

Provide a helping hand

We can’t make it alone. We need your help. Your small help can bring a big change.

We need you and your help

It’s impossible to help people without people helping others. We always need volunteer who love to help.

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